About Us
The owner of the company envisioned how silver was going to be the next most desired metal in the world due to its increasing value and importance. Investing in silver metal guarantees durability and increase in investment. He said that silver has always been a precious metal, but it was never given the value that it deserved. The way things are today, he can say silver is getting the attention that is needed, in effect giving market value to silver.
As a manufacturer he is very concerned about quality check. Many silver products in the market has way more layers of other metals on top of the silver to make the piece look bright, which then weakens the esthetic of the piece over time. He states that there is nothing wrong with that, but he believes that keeping silver peace as pure possible is good craftsmanship.
The suppliers have to go through a quality check process authorized by Ivett & Co quality standards. This way the production line can take every process of craftsmanship with care. Stone setting has to be done with proper practices and should be well set into the piece, if not it cannot be delivered to our clients.
Quality is not about beauty, quality starts at the beginning of the production and should continue all the way to our clients and whoever they pass down each of our silver pieces to. Poor quality ends at the door of our brand.
Our store
Dominican Republic
Av. San Vicente de Paul esq. Carretera Mella, Plaza Megacentro 1er Piso, Local 214-A, Santo Domingo Este